Steph Elliott Realty

Logo, Brand Identity


This project was for a client I worked with while I interned at DayCloud Studios in Omaha, NE. Steph came to us looking for a logo for her own personal brand as a realtor for Berkshire Hathaway. She wanted a logo that visually balanced well with the original Berkshire Hathaway logo and something that felt stately yet delicate.


Our initial approach began with focusing on establishing a tone for the brand. First, we carefully selected adjectives that best described the identity she was going for; 'eclectic, prosperous, and regal'. Next, we looked through over various logo design examples with varying colors, illustration styles and typefaces and chose a dozen or so that she loved the most. After gathering this information, I created 3 stylescapes with 3 different logo designs for the client to choose from. We had several meetings where I presented these stylescapes to the client and discussed different design revisions until we chose the final product pictured below. Within the stylescape you can see different brand elements, a color palette, verbage, and stock images that fit the style.

The logo design we landed on uses a serif font that I would definitely classify as eclectic with a sort of rustic charm to it. Alongside the wordmark is one of the most regal animals in art history: the greyhound. The greyhound is designed in a stone-like, sketch style of illustration that the client liked in other logo designs we looked at; His form is nimble yet powerful and he is in a descent with his head still held high- a metaphor for staying grounded in your values while skillfully racing towards your goals.

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